What is a Tiling

An instance of the class Tiling that precisely describes a finite tessellation, a collection of polygons that covers a finite 2-dimensional area without leaving any gap or overlap.

Smallest Tiling

Each polygon:

  • is regular, all its sides and all its angles equal.
  • has unit size, the length of each side is 1

Go to the next page for a more accurate mathematical definition of tiling covering the whole 2-dimensional plane.

How to build a Tiling

At the most basic level, a Tiling instance is built providing the edges of an undirected graph.

And only a constructor with validation is available; since a valid Tiling is always a graph, but the opposite is not true, see Tiling validation.

Tiling.maybe(1--2, 1--3, 2--3) // Right(Tiling(1--2, 1--3, 2--3))
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