Contains slow methods to create a Tiling with growth governed by randomic functions
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Members list
Tries adding a random polygon, with an optional addition validity clause
Tries adding a random polygon, with an optional addition validity clause
Value parameters
- maybePolygons
polygons that can be added, if None all tessellable polygons
- validity
function to filter tilings
Tries adding sequentially random polygons, with an optional addition validity clause
Tries adding sequentially random polygons, with an optional addition validity clause
Value parameters
- maybePolygons
polygons that can be added, if None all tessellable polygons
- steps
number of additions
- validity
function to filter tilings
Tries adding sequentially random polygons, within a given pattern
Tries adding sequentially random polygons, within a given pattern
Value parameters
- pattern
a Pattern each new polygon must follow
- steps
number of additions